Just completed the Tolo 10 K race 2009 ( 吐露港 10k 2009 ) in a moderate fast time of 49 mins in the rainy morning today."Luckily" unlike the predict by futureblurmaxx and his supporter Waru, I did complete the race about 8 mins faster than his prediction of 57 mins.However there is no way to put such malicious attackers' mouthes shut!
I was happy to meet so many runners friends from hkrunners.com, LongRun.hk and Leisure Runners.Happy to had happy chats with Ma Wong, Rebecca, Shrimp Dumpling of Leisure Runners, and Stephen of LongRun.hk after the race.
Completed the 15 Km Mt Butler Race ( 第33屆 香港 畢拉山 15km 越野賽 ) in an extremely humid and warm morning in a disappointed time of 91 mins. I felt exhausted and frustrated while walking uphill for four times during the race.However I was happy to meet so many runners friends including Rebecca, Chun Che, Prince Wai and others from Leisure Runners, Amy, Bhoova, Thomas, Cissy and her husband and lovely daughter Sarah and others from hkrunners.com, and MJ, Alan and many others from LongRun.hk.Despite feeling frustrated for the moderate slow completion time, I still enjoyed the run.http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/blurmax
Completed the HKMP Shatin Riverside 10 K ( 沙田 10K 河畔賽 ) in the slightly rainy morning in a moderate fast time of 48 mins 40 secs (1 min faster than Tai Chak Tim Ching).I was happy to meet so many Ching / Ctse from LongRun.hk including Hang Hau Ox, 7 Ching, Stanley, Cookie, Ah Miu and others. Also happy to meet my brother Gary, and friends Rudolf, Ray. I was also delighted to meet friends from hkrunners.com including Kitty, MikeC, Pauline, CHIN, Bhoova, Naveen and others. Happy to meet Janice and Johnny.
I attended the Pacer 10 K 2009 ( 第三屆 十公里 復活跑 ) in the sightly warm morning on 2009/4/12, and completed it in a reasonable slow time of 50 mins+. Despite feeling hot and exhausted, I managed to run in an average speed of 5 mins / Km.I was happy to meet so many runners friends from hkrunners.com, LongRun.hk and Leisure Racers.