Just completed the 12 Km rocky trail run ( AVOHK Reservoir Cup Race I 2008 - Aberdeen Reservoir 香港仔水塘 ) in a slow time of 71 mins. The trail seems never ending to me today. I had to slow my run to jog at the final km at the catch water after a refreshing down slope run.
Nice to meet so many runners friends in the race including MJ, Alex and Sagi of LongRun.hk. I was also pleased to meet Roberto, Bhoova, Raymond, Kitty in the race.
After Ah Lui took over me at 3 Km, I could never catch up with her again. Congratulations to Ah Lui's prize winning!
By the way it's been a while not seeing Frances in races. I was surprised and happy to meet her again.
Thanks pvc_line and Kitty for taking pics for the race!
Wishing Alex who suffered from blister could recover soon.
Another good race anyway.
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